
Not being the “best version of myself”?

Let me start off by saying I do my job VERY WELL. I work in IT. Every other week my boss tells me I am doing great and I’m appreciated and then flips the switch and all of sudden it seems like for no reason at all I’m not! Our office dynamic is one of my bosses family members and 2 family friends. Last week there was a stomach bug going around the office (5 of us work in-office). I have an extreme phobia of vomiting as well as bipolar disorder associated with anxious distress (categorized as a disability). Months prior I let my boss know that if someone is vomiting I would like them to stay home for 24-48 hours to decrease exposure. Last week, it hit our office as a surprise and I was at my desk shaking, crying, wearing a mask, trying my best because I’m an…


The US is a fucking joke at this point


Update: Time to Move on?

EDIT: I’m sorry about the typos y’all. My brain is in a thousand places. So looking at my time sheet I wondered how could I look back on my time to make sure I submitted my hours properly (Like on what day did I submit this?) Because looking back on my time sheet, I always come up short because I forget to put in my time before the closing date… I will own up to that. This is mainly because I'm not used to this at all. All previous jobs, I just punch in and punch out and leave it be. Not only that, but apparently payroll has made a few mistakes, so I get pretty paranoid and automatically irked when I see a check short. This time, when I see it's short again, I think maybe I just didn't submit my time right like last time. Not only that…


Work clocking me out while on shift

I work as a delivery driver for a well known company. We usually clock out for our unpaid lunches on our phone because we are out on the road at that time, but we cannot drive while on lunch because it is unpaid and for legal reasons i assume involve insurance while in a company vehicle off the clock, in case of an accident. While clocking out for lunch, i noticed i had been manually clocked out from 10-1030 WHILE i was actively making deliveries and driving. Is this legal? How do i address this when coming back today? I feel real gross knowing my hours can be messed with while on the road and working.


I don’t owe you nor do you deserve a two weeks notice.


Daughter is being touched at work and boss doesn’t care

I have a 17 year old CHILD. She works as a hostess. She seats people at a restaurant. This establishment also serves alcohol. Older men come up to her after a few drinks and have tried to talk to her, have squeezed her shoulders, and put their arm around her. She escalated this to the hiring manager and owner of the restaurant. They both said there is nothing they can do about this. When she put her notice in to quit, the owner offered her an extra 50 cents an hour to stay. Lawsuit? She's now being extorted for cash if she stays. This is a small small boro and the owner is the richest guy in town. No one dares to cross him. Thoughts?


This guy gets it (Lloyd Dobler, Say Anything)


Is it me or is “Hustle Culture” something that is unique to the 21st century?

I know that people worked a lot back in the 20th century and before that but it seems that people promoting the idea of working 12-18 hours a day without sleeping or taking time to rest or enjoy themselves is something unique to our times. For example, my maternal grandfather (who passed in 2021) lived a life which he worked hard to support my mother. He worked at a canning factory named Libby's during the 50s and 60s and he had his own neighborhood restaurant back in the 70s. But, he still enjoyed himself. He still went out on Friday nights to the tavern and played cards with his friends. And when he was on his deathbed, he had no regrets about his life. And many people lived the life he did back then and it was not seen as taboo. Now today, if we were to live like my…


Why is it impossible to find a decent job?

I live in rural NC and it is genuinely impossible to find a decent job, if it doesn’t have god awful working conditions and mandatory overtime, it pays $8.50/hr. It’s ridiculous that I can’t get a decent job with a wage that can support me without selling my soul, is there even a solution to this?


There is a future without capitalism!