
Automated colleagues out work. Am I the Ahole?

I come from finance background but for past few years also was into Computer Science and automation in general. A year ago I joined this company which havent had a lot of stuff figured out when it comes to IT. In the time while I was here me and my team managed to automate a lot not only our direct task but after top management seen the potential we started getting projects with various teams to see if we can improve things there. Jumping to today I hear that a lot of people are getting laid off because their function are simply not needed anymore. E.g. team had 9 people after project implementation fully finished only one person is left from that because she only needs to double check what the system does, other 8 simply didnt have anything to do. Some moved to other teams but most were laid…

I come from finance background but for past few years also was into Computer Science and automation in general. A year ago I joined this company which havent had a lot of stuff figured out when it comes to IT. In the time while I was here me and my team managed to automate a lot not only our direct task but after top management seen the potential we started getting projects with various teams to see if we can improve things there.

Jumping to today I hear that a lot of people are getting laid off because their function are simply not needed anymore. E.g. team had 9 people after project implementation fully finished only one person is left from that because she only needs to double check what the system does, other 8 simply didnt have anything to do. Some moved to other teams but most were laid off because company dont need to much workers at the moment.

Am I the asshole here? I cant help to feel like that, but I just do what I love to do and helping my company in the meanwhile. Also I got moved through my career very fast and got a huge bonus which will help my family a lot. But closed a lot of job openings and got people laid off.

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