
Bad arguments take away legitimacy in workers rights ideas and this sub

There’s so many posts in this sub that are absolutely horrible takes and some people just have the worst opinions. Social is great in the sense it gives everyone a voice, unfortunately sometimes the loudest voices are not the smartest. I agree with workers rights and how many of the posts do have good pints. But god, some of them are horrible. Posts like these have thousands of upvotes but could easily be defeated in an argument. The posts contain bad takes on workers rights, solutions to societies problems, and just very narrow minded views. Post like these give the sub and workers rights a bad image. And some people just scream in agreement in the comment sections making it seem like such a good idea. Not to mention that moderator that went on the news and made a complete fool of the sub. There will never ever be any…

There’s so many posts in this sub that are absolutely horrible takes and some people just have the worst opinions. Social is great in the sense it gives everyone a voice, unfortunately sometimes the loudest voices are not the smartest.

I agree with workers rights and how many of the posts do have good pints. But god, some of them are horrible. Posts like these have thousands of upvotes but could easily be defeated in an argument. The posts contain bad takes on workers rights, solutions to societies problems, and just very narrow minded views.

Post like these give the sub and workers rights a bad image. And some people just scream in agreement in the comment sections making it seem like such a good idea.

Not to mention that moderator that went on the news and made a complete fool of the sub.

There will never ever be any sort of advancements in workers rights when posts like this exist and are not challenged. Because it makes the whole sub look bad and all workers rights activist look bad.

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