
Bad boss verbally chews out 25+ year employee with terminal cancer. Video included. Does this seem like a good guy to work for?

Hi there. I’m posting this because I believe this story needs to get out there. These hot-headed bosses out there who are willing to throw away employees and not give a crap about them anymore, after over a quarter-century of service, and after a crushing terminal cancer diagnosis, well it’s just staggering these days. I'll post some videos and tell you what I know. Background: He worked for the same company for 26+ years (virtually his entire adult life). Early this year he was diagnosed with Stage IV colorectal cancer with spread to the liver. Statistically he's only expected to live a couple more years. After he informed the company of his diagnosis and that he didn't expect to work for a while because of the pain, they paid him off for a couple months and showed him the door. After almost 27 years of service. With the obvious medical…

Hi there. I’m posting this because I believe this story needs to get out there. These hot-headed bosses out there who are willing to throw away employees and not give a crap about them anymore, after over a quarter-century of service, and after a crushing terminal cancer diagnosis, well it’s just staggering these days. I'll post some videos and tell you what I know.

Background: He worked for the same company for 26+ years (virtually his entire adult life). Early this year he was diagnosed with Stage IV colorectal cancer with spread to the liver. Statistically he's only expected to live a couple more years. After he informed the company of his diagnosis and that he didn't expect to work for a while because of the pain, they paid him off for a couple months and showed him the door. After almost 27 years of service. With the obvious medical bills (they live in the States so plenty of you know all about that), and with the way the price of everything is skyrocketing these days, his family is still struggling. His wife works part-time as a server, as that's all her schedule allows with taking care of her husband and two children aged 5 and 7, Another person who knows the family set up a gofundme:

So, I'm posting the videos from when they stopped by the business a couple weeks ago, merely to ask about the possibility of compensation for his family, after he dies. That's it. The hostility and anger they were met with by the boss here is staggering imo. At one point the wife asks the boss why he never once picked up the phone since January to inquire about his health and how his treatment is going, and all the boss can do is give a little shrug and not really know what to say. I believe that says it all right there. The amount of complete apathy from the boss to the employee’s plight is shocking. But you can watch and judge for yourselves. Thanks for your time.

TLDR: Boss acts like a jerk when his valued employee with Stage IV cancer shows up just to talk. Take a look for yourself and see if he's acting like the supposed pillar of the community he thinks he is after running the company for well over 30 years.

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