
bad interview that lead to a job offer that I turned down

I had an interview for a company that was desperate to fill a teaching position. I arrived a few minutes early, and walking in I could see a woman through the glass, so I did a little wave and smile and greeted her. She saw me and made eye contact glared at me and didn't even acknowledge that I existed. Then I checked in and was told to wait. Turns out the interviewer was the woman I saw on my way in who ignored me. She was working on a decoration and then made me wait while she fussed over which color she liked better, for another 10 minutes, as I was clearly waiting for her. Then came the interview- she pulled her hand back when I went to shake it, with no explanation. The other interviewer had greeted me, seemed very professional, and immediately shook my hand. I was…

I had an interview for a company that was desperate to fill a teaching position. I arrived a few minutes early, and walking in I could see a woman through the glass, so I did a little wave and smile and greeted her. She saw me and made eye contact glared at me and didn't even acknowledge that I existed.

Then I checked in and was told to wait. Turns out the interviewer was the woman I saw on my way in who ignored me. She was working on a decoration and then made me wait while she fussed over which color she liked better, for another 10 minutes, as I was clearly waiting for her.

Then came the interview- she pulled her hand back when I went to shake it, with no explanation. The other interviewer had greeted me, seemed very professional, and immediately shook my hand.

I was thrown off. The rest of the interview went lousy, but then at the end it was awkward as she refused to shake my hand again. She had this very condescending demeanor and had also been hitting on the other interviewer in front of me during the interview which made him very uncomfortable as well as me. It was borderline sexual harassment and everything about her made me want to run.

To my surprise she contacted me after the interview and offered me the position but I declined after the weird red flags I had been seeing during the interview (high turnover, the other interviewer telling me he planned to leave, the overall unprofessionalism). I had a gut feeling from the moment walking in when she very clearly saw me and ignored my friendly greeting.

My friends are saying I'm doing the right thing to turn down the position, but my family members are saying I should be grateful it's a job and I can build my resume, etc. I'm applying elsewhere though. I feel really disgusted and bummed out after that mess, never had an interview this bad before.

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