
Baffled by the actions of my company

I've been working for my company for almost a year and was getting tired of constantly having more and more tasks added to my work load with little recognition and no pay increase so I set up a meeting with my manager (O), his manager (E, who is notorious for being rude and uncooperative and is another reason I've wanted to leave), and HR (T) for yesterday 3/24. I know it's a bit unconventional but with the rise in inflation and the fact that I was already looking for new jobs, I wanted to see what they thought I was worth. Keep in mind I had sat down with O a week prior and expressed my concerns about my compensation and he is the one that told me to schedule the meeting and that he would “go to bat” for me. Unsurprisingly the meeting didn't go great, I stated my…

I've been working for my company for almost a year and was getting tired of constantly having more and more tasks added to my work load with little recognition and no pay increase so I set up a meeting with my manager (O), his manager (E, who is notorious for being rude and uncooperative and is another reason I've wanted to leave), and HR (T) for yesterday 3/24. I know it's a bit unconventional but with the rise in inflation and the fact that I was already looking for new jobs, I wanted to see what they thought I was worth. Keep in mind I had sat down with O a week prior and expressed my concerns about my compensation and he is the one that told me to schedule the meeting and that he would “go to bat” for me.

Unsurprisingly the meeting didn't go great, I stated my case and both O and E dismissed all of my concerns and told me that even though I was one of the best people in my department (they certainly liked me enough to help train 8 new hires) suddenly my work wasn't good enough to warrant a raise and that “everyone is feeling the pinch of inflation, neither O or E have gotten a raise in the past year.” O even stated “I put $500 in my tank every month and you don't see me complaining” despite the fact that he lives an hour outside our city and drives a big truck.

I already had my notice ready to go so after the meeting I sent it to them via email. About an hour after that I received a call from T who told me not to come back to work on my next scheduled shift and that they would pay me out through the end of my notice and asked if I could drop off my keys to the building. I asked for an email to be sent to my personal email reiterating what she told me and still haven't received it. I found out yesterday evening from my friend that still works there that they send out an email saying “Diabolicalbird unfortunately resigned effective immediately” I wanted to respond that I gave them a notice not a resignation but I already lost access to my work email by that point. I am baffled that they'd rather see me leave and leave my team hanging than give me a $1 raise, all I wanted was $16 an hour. I worked at an inpatient detox center in Albuquerque.

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