
Bars program that has no part of the policy

My boss is an awesome person. I work at a place called Casey’s. Its an amazing place to work at when it comes to people and making food at the same time. when I applied at this job I did read most of the policies regarding on the job. I didn’t read anything that says there would be some random testing on drinking and smoking but I do know that they testing on drugs wile at work (you know it could be harmful and dangerous). so I was doing my regular day until one day which happened yesterday I was looking at this person and she did look older and 21 so I didn’t ask for her ID. auto sudden she gives me this red card that says bars program and she ran away with out saying anything. So I look at this card I thought it was some kind…

My boss is an awesome person. I work at a place called Casey’s. Its an amazing place to work at when it comes to people and making food at the same time. when I applied at this job I did read most of the policies regarding on the job. I didn’t read anything that says there would be some random testing on drinking and smoking but I do know that they testing on drugs wile at work (you know it could be harmful and dangerous). so I was doing my regular day until one day which happened yesterday I was looking at this person and she did look older and 21 so I didn’t ask for her ID. auto sudden she gives me this red card that says bars program and she ran away with out saying anything. So I look at this card I thought it was some kind of joke. I asked my boss about it she says I didn’t pass. I told her that i’ve never knew this was a thing and she says that it has been a thing for a while. Later that night I looked it up it it’s some other company that does some testing on employees. It feels like I haven’t been trusted or betrayed but at the same time I should probably been more cautious. At the same time reading the Casey’s policy has nothing to do with bars program.

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