
bathroom on breaks? nah. you can pay me for that sh*t

Realized this week while at my new job (huge multi billion dollar fortune 50 company, CEO makes 23million in compensations, 7million salary) that I am wasting valuable break time by using the bathroom off the clock! So now I do the following: gotta pee within the hour before I start my shift? Wait and go once I clock in. Unpaid break? Bathroom once I'm back on the clock. “I'll just go when I get home” ? Not anymore. All ~business~ shall be done at the place of business now I've always heard “boss makes a dollar I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time.” But that's 10% of the bosses pay. What hourly rate gets you to 7million (just in salary) a year? Bet its not my $13.30 an hour 🥴

Realized this week while at my new job (huge multi billion dollar fortune 50 company, CEO makes 23million in compensations, 7million salary) that I am wasting valuable break time by using the bathroom off the clock! So now I do the following: gotta pee within the hour before I start my shift? Wait and go once I clock in. Unpaid break? Bathroom once I'm back on the clock. “I'll just go when I get home” ? Not anymore. All ~business~ shall be done at the place of business now

I've always heard “boss makes a dollar I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time.” But that's 10% of the bosses pay. What hourly rate gets you to 7million (just in salary) a year? Bet its not my $13.30 an hour 🥴

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