
Because teamwork makes the dream work right?

So I am currently in two week notice limbo because of this job. Like not only am I facing racial issues in my PWI, in my PWA, but also I'm the outsider who didn't grow up with everyone who is- oh so- tight knit and close to each other. I make a decent amount of money while working here and as crazy as it sounds, I ACTUALLY like my job. (I'm a personal shopper inside of an “exclusive” members only business chain) I do a shit ton of my share of the work, plus pick up the slack of those who like to sit around and chat with one another. Including my team lead, who claims she is always “so busy”, and in a recent “attitude adjustment” meeting says she leaves the work for the people she knows can handle it. But today she was just standing there talking for…

So I am currently in two week notice limbo because of this job.
Like not only am I facing racial issues in my PWI, in my PWA, but also I'm the outsider who didn't grow up with everyone who is- oh so- tight knit and close to each other.
I make a decent amount of money while working here and as crazy as it sounds, I ACTUALLY like my job. (I'm a personal shopper inside of an “exclusive” members only business chain)
I do a shit ton of my share of the work, plus pick up the slack of those who like to sit around and chat with one another. Including my team lead, who claims she is always “so busy”, and in a recent “attitude adjustment” meeting says she leaves the work for the people she knows can handle it. But today she was just standing there talking for an hour, not the first time either, to another team lead laughing and yucking it up about their personal lives. Not even about work, which she says that's what she always does. And I've caught her several times not talking about work.

So if there is about 17/74 orders left to pick, guess who's doing them all AND tending to the members, AND taking out the orders. It ain't her.

I've been keeping my twn in my locker for two months and I keep telling myself I'm going to put it in soon but with the bills, rent, and everything else going up, it's more like a wish than an objective.

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