
Been a week since I was last allow to go to work. Punished for being careful.

Recently started a new job for a big company. I feel like I am being punished for no reason. Last week my boss told me he was not happy with my performance. When I asked for more detail he gave reasons that I was shocked to hear. Like, asking too many clarifying questions, only working 50% capacity, and speed. At the end of the meeting he told me (alone) to come up with solutions to my performance. Next day I wake up to a text from the HR recruiter saying that the company does not want me to log in until further notice. It’s been a week since then. Little to no updates have been provided. I feel so frustrated because I’m not even given a change or guidance to help improve my performance. I was also denied accommodation (have a disability) from the company because I am contracted. I…

Recently started a new job for a big company.

I feel like I am being punished for no reason. Last week my boss told me he was not happy with my performance. When I asked for more detail he gave reasons that I was shocked to hear. Like, asking too many clarifying questions, only working 50% capacity, and speed. At the end of the meeting he told me (alone) to come up with solutions to my performance.

Next day I wake up to a text from the HR recruiter saying that the company does not want me to log in until further notice. It’s been a week since then. Little to no updates have been provided.

I feel so frustrated because I’m not even given a change or guidance to help improve my performance. I was also denied accommodation (have a disability) from the company because I am contracted.

I think the issues that my boss posed are baseless. When I first came into the job there was little to no resources or database about our products. We have multiple items and the only training I was give was shadowing for 2 weeks. I am currently creating a small resources sheet to help remember everything, but I still need help. I learned the process but I am still learning our products. New situations with client are always coming up that I need to ask questions because I want to make sure thing are done right and I’m not just saying whatever.

I’m confused on the 50% capacity statement. In the job description and my 90day plan that he provided I’m meeting all the bullet points. There has been no mention of other work. In that initial meeting he asked me to do marketing for our services and I’m not even in that department! Nor was I given any previous notion that I would be doing promotions. But he still expects me to come up with a situation right on the spot to promote our product.

The only issue that might be true is my speed. I am slow because of my disability. But I meet all my deadlines and I use whatever free software I can find to help (even if it’s not much) and sometimes I do overtime so that I not behind on my work the next day.

I feel I am being punished by not allowed to go to work because my boss doesn’t like me, because I am slow, and because I can’t come up with solutions on the spot like my other 10 year coworkers can. I’ve only been at the job for 2 months.

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