
Been at my job 15 years, going to quit by the summer – can i go “negative” to try to get a package?

Based in Ontario Canada – 15 years. -toxic work environment since our company was sold and we are now massive., he's rude, makes jokes about females, i complained to his boss after he said very vulgar things and my boss found out i complained said he “would get me”. Major issue is they just changed our commission plan last month, and i will make 50% less then i have ever made. -I saw a lawyer, they said i need to quit then they will fire off a letter “constructive dismissal ” for all the issues. They said it's a dice roll since we are a massive company they may tell us to take a hike and lawyer fees will be around $2,000.00. Looking for advice if i should just go negative instead in hopes of getting a package to stay quiet since i've been around for 15 year? Can i…

Based in Ontario Canada – 15 years.

-toxic work environment since our company was sold and we are now massive., he's rude, makes jokes about females, i complained to his boss after he said very vulgar things and my boss found out i complained said he “would get me”. Major issue is they just changed our commission plan last month, and i will make 50% less then i have ever made.

-I saw a lawyer, they said i need to quit then they will fire off a letter “constructive dismissal ” for all the issues. They said it's a dice roll since we are a massive company they may tell us to take a hike and lawyer fees will be around $2,000.00.

Looking for advice if i should just go negative instead in hopes of getting a package to stay quiet since i've been around for 15 year? Can i tell my bosses our old company was a career, now its just a basic paycheck and i have zero motivation to put in extra effort? Tell them i want i'm not happy and want out? Can i start to give them attitude? Can i simply say i hate this company want to leave and mabye they would give me severance?

Or am i better off doing what the lawyer said and to quit then fire off a letter in hopes they give me something?

I feel like my life is upside down and i don't know what to do, but i need to quit by the summer for my mental health. I've seen co-workers getting laid off since we got bought and got a month per year…how the heck can i get that?

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