
been out sick & got a termination letter

i’ve been out sick with documentation and received a termination email/letter from my employer. the email itself came from my supervisor. my supervisor at one point referred to me as “the boy who cried wolf” and at another point when i needed a new copy of a form after my 1yo dog got onto the kitchen table – she referred to it as “my dog ate my homework”. i teach preschool at a center that is a under a very large & well known non-profit organization. i’ve been having GI symptoms that have left me tied to the bathroom. i’ve been in and out of the ER & urgent care and i’ve seen countless doctors. last week i saw a new GI doc who’s ran some labs & we’re just waiting for them to come back. so many things have been ruled out. being poke and prodded with no answers…

i’ve been out sick with documentation and received a termination email/letter from my employer. the email itself came from my supervisor. my supervisor at one point referred to me as “the boy who cried wolf” and at another point when i needed a new copy of a form after my 1yo dog got onto the kitchen table – she referred to it as “my dog ate my homework”.

i teach preschool at a center that is a under a very large & well known non-profit organization.

i’ve been having GI symptoms that have left me tied to the bathroom. i’ve been in and out of the ER & urgent care and i’ve seen countless doctors. last week i saw a new GI doc who’s ran some labs & we’re just waiting for them to come back. so many things have been ruled out. being poke and prodded with no answers is exhausting. i hope i have answers soon.

i plan on emailing HR and they’re getting a detailed email about my symptoms, time spent in the bathroom, and i am going to yet again send my doctors notes over.

i am so tired of employers and supervisors treating me like shit. i feel like every time i get sick i have issues with my employer. it’s ridiculous and i’m tired of it. i’m fighting back this time.

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