
Being a “Ruthless” business and an Indecent Human being aren’t far apart. You win by how well you exploit people. Why is it this way ?!

My first post but reading the stories here is eye opening. It's not 1 or 2 lone cases of toxic CEO's, billionaires, corporate and management valuing human life less than…. just about everything. You are wage slave. It's not rare and we were trained to think it's how you're supposed to be, to be successful. Why can't I work where I'm valued greater for when I help people or enjoy what I want to do. Why is that the structure to begin with AT ALL. “Well you have to make money somehow !” Why is it THIS way ! That's why I stick to this sub, why I recommend it why I follow and read the stories. Why is it this way, why do I have to work for someone who I know is exploiting me and others. Why cant you have your treasures as a GENEROUS person, giving more…

My first post but reading the stories here is eye opening. It's not 1 or 2 lone cases of toxic CEO's, billionaires, corporate and management valuing human life less than…. just about everything. You are wage slave.

It's not rare and we were trained to think it's how you're supposed to be, to be successful. Why can't I work where I'm valued greater for when I help people or enjoy what I want to do. Why is that the structure to begin with AT ALL.

“Well you have to make money somehow !” Why is it THIS way !

That's why I stick to this sub, why I recommend it why I follow and read the stories. Why is it this way, why do I have to work for someone who I know is exploiting me and others. Why cant you have your treasures as a GENEROUS person, giving more than you take to the world makes you poor, to not be an awfully person.

We have a hard time thinking about another way but it's because we are beaten like a nail to see it as the only way.

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