
Being asked to train my new manager

So my work hired a new manager to replace the one who just quit with short notice. The guy they hired has very little experience in this industry which is pretty specialized, and he has no experience at all with the system the company uses. I applied for the position when my old boss quit but they ended up hiring that other guy instead because he has a project management certification and I don’t. Yet they were fine asking me to fill in as acting manager during the time they were hiring a new one because I know how everything works, I know all the clients/customers, and I know the system. Everything ran as usual while I was acting manager. No issues, no complaints, no incidents. They did give me a small pay premium for the duration even though it was still less than what a manager gets paid at…

So my work hired a new manager to replace the one who just quit with short notice. The guy they hired has very little experience in this industry which is pretty specialized, and he has no experience at all with the system the company uses. I applied for the position when my old boss quit but they ended up hiring that other guy instead because he has a project management certification and I don’t. Yet they were fine asking me to fill in as acting manager during the time they were hiring a new one because I know how everything works, I know all the clients/customers, and I know the system. Everything ran as usual while I was acting manager. No issues, no complaints, no incidents. They did give me a small pay premium for the duration even though it was still less than what a manager gets paid at this company. But being told I don’t qualify for the position, then assigning me to train the new manager (who is being paid almost triple what I make) for the next 4-6 months is a big slap in the face. Luckily I was able to reach out to my old manager and he hooked me up with the same job I’m doing now at his new company which also happens to pay more. I start next Monday, and I’ve just left my pass and resignation letter effective immediately on my new manager’s desk while he’s off for his lunch break. I only met him this morning and haven’t explained much to him yet. The bean counter execs who hired him can have fun explaining all the technical details required to run this department and all the account passwords for accounts they probably have no idea even exist. I’m going to enjoy a week of R&R before my new job.

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