Background (I’m keeping it general/vague on purpose): I took a role with this company back in September to run a center for them in my home state. Unexpectedly, this center elected not to renew their contract next year so I would have no center to run. I specifically asked about this scenario before I accepted the position and was told it was an extremely unlikely scenario, but if it did happen, they would make sure I had a role and my job was secure. They assured me they had jobs all across the country, over half of which were remote jobs and I would never have to worry about being displaced.
I was told at the beginning of the month that my center was not renewing for next year, but not to worry, they will find something and have plenty of projects to keep me busy over the summer. For June and July, I was going to help run a center in a different state. I want to stress that this was in no shape or form a reflection on me and the client stressed that as well. I have above average results in nearly every measurable field. I was asked if I could relocate and due to several reasons such as my husband’s job, owning my own home, kids, etc. explained I’m not in a position to move, but I’m open to any remote roles (lateral or even a step down if needed) and was told not a problem.
Today I am told that, the center I was going to help run also decided to end their contract, effective June 30 and, since I am unwilling to relocate, my job is being terminated effected June 30. I asked what happened to the remote jobs I was told about and were told there were none. I asked about the summer projects and were told they were being given to the managers who still had centers. I asked about severance and/or unemployment and was told I would not qualify for either because “I was going to resign”. I was shocked and again explained why I couldn’t relocate (and why would I for a job that isn’t secure? What’s to say I move to a different state and that center doesn’t want to renew next year??) And I again stressed I was willing to take any remote job. I’m part of several committees for summer trainings and meetings and have literally done everything they’ve asked of me. It is not my fault that my site shut down, it is not my fault the center I was supposed to help for the summer also shut down. I would never have accepted this role if the expectation was to relocate should this occur. If feels like so much extra salt in the wound to go from no job but several months notice to 2 weeks notice and no severance or unemployment.
I’m sorry this is long. I’m just so frustrated and feel so screwed and scared because I worry I won’t have a new job by then and I don’t know what I’m going to do. Why did I spend so many months working 50-60 hour weeks practically killing myself to get this center to meet goals only to be completely shit on?