
Being given responsibilities I’m not qualified for

I don't know if this belongs here but my fiancé has given me advice on my situation and I want to see how you guys feel about it too. I'm on mobile so sorry for formatting. So I've been working at my job at a daycare for 8 months. I applied for the aide position and thats what I was hired for. The responsibilities for the job title were just things like assisting the lead teachers with their lessons or things they needed, along with doing normal things like changing diapers, giving bottles, etc. Well, after only 3 months of me being at the job, the primary teacher in the room I've been working in left. So because I had been working in the room with her for maybe a month and a half I was put into the position of “acting” as the “teacher” for that room. Main point…

I don't know if this belongs here but my fiancé has given me advice on my situation and I want to see how you guys feel about it too. I'm on mobile so sorry for formatting. So I've been working at my job at a daycare for 8 months. I applied for the aide position and thats what I was hired for. The responsibilities for the job title were just things like assisting the lead teachers with their lessons or things they needed, along with doing normal things like changing diapers, giving bottles, etc.

Well, after only 3 months of me being at the job, the primary teacher in the room I've been working in left. So because I had been working in the room with her for maybe a month and a half I was put into the position of “acting” as the “teacher” for that room. Main point is I was expected to take on that responsibility and I was not asked how I felt about it. So as the months have gone on I've been put in charge of all the things that normally an aide wouldn't be in charge of regarding the room and the class and the activities. My pay hasn't increased because of me taking the position and somehow supposedly according to licensing rules I'm allowed to be in that position even without qualifications even though all other centers in the state are required to follow those rules. My assistant director has targeted me with toxic comments and a “just deal with it” attitude and saying false things about me behind my back to other coworkers suggesting I'm not good at my job (more details in comments). All of my other coworkers have taken notice to this and have been concerned about this too as she doesn't do it to anyone else.

Lastly I have been having chest pains this past month due to the extra stress and responsibilities I was given and my concerns not being heard. She now tells me she wants a doctors note because of me being out even though I know the issue is because of her and the extra stress of the job and I don't have a doctors note to give her. My fiancé suggests to call a meeting with her and the other asst. director and confront her about the targeting and my position at the job which I agree with. Any other thoughts??

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