
Being pushed to accept job offer while still in negotiation with other potential employers.

I threw out resumes to six jobs I was qualified for, and ended up hearing back from four of them. Those four potentials have ended up taking me all the way down the interview process. One company has been very efficient and ended up getting me an offer within a week. They want a response ASAP, but I'm still speaking with the other companies and am a little reticent to jump too quickly. What's a bigger red flag, an interview process that drags, or an employer who wants you to start working asap?

I threw out resumes to six jobs I was qualified for, and ended up hearing back from four of them. Those four potentials have ended up taking me all the way down the interview process. One company has been very efficient and ended up getting me an offer within a week. They want a response ASAP, but I'm still speaking with the other companies and am a little reticent to jump too quickly. What's a bigger red flag, an interview process that drags, or an employer who wants you to start working asap?

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