
Being told to slog it out for years after after graduating is wrong

Maybe it's just me but I hate being told to just slog it out in life after graduating university and work different minimum wage and crappy entry level jobs I have little interest just for a chance to actually get a job that pays decently. Someone who went to university for 4 years shouldn't spend the next 4-10 years just trying to make it with no guarantee of success. I'm sick of being told by people who were able to succeed in their careers that it'll work out if I just keep trying. Life doesn't work out well for a lot of people. Moreover, even if it does, there's the opportunity cost and mental health costs of not having a secure source of income and job I don't hate for years. I guess it doesn't matter since I'll never be able to afford a house either way.

Maybe it's just me but I hate being told to just slog it out in life after graduating university and work different minimum wage and crappy entry level jobs I have little interest just for a chance to actually get a job that pays decently. Someone who went to university for 4 years shouldn't spend the next 4-10 years just trying to make it with no guarantee of success. I'm sick of being told by people who were able to succeed in their careers that it'll work out if I just keep trying. Life doesn't work out well for a lot of people.

Moreover, even if it does, there's the opportunity cost and mental health costs of not having a secure source of income and job I don't hate for years. I guess it doesn't matter since I'll never be able to afford a house either way.

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