
Best Break I’ve Had In Years

Ever since I left highschool I've been working. I worked part time while in college until I couldn't handle both so I became a full time student (I count school as work). I went into a full time job the same week my classes ended. From that job I went straight into my current job. I think it really sucks that we are expected to keep working without truly any breaks. I recently quit my current job for a new better job and I asked to start a week late so I could truly get some rest. Iam thankful I living at home and can take a week off but this has been my longest break since highschool. I'm just wondering how is that legal? We are really just living to work.

Ever since I left highschool I've been working. I worked part time while in college until I couldn't handle both so I became a full time student (I count school as work). I went into a full time job the same week my classes ended. From that job I went straight into my current job.

I think it really sucks that we are expected to keep working without truly any breaks. I recently quit my current job for a new better job and I asked to start a week late so I could truly get some rest. Iam thankful I living at home and can take a week off but this has been my longest break since highschool. I'm just wondering how is that legal? We are really just living to work.

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