
Best Buy firing corruption

My boyfriend recently got fired for driving me to the emergency room (for a severe injury) after being approved to leave work. The manager lied and said it was time fraud and wage theft. This is the 3rd person they have accused of these claims in 2 months. He has been working there for over a decade and is seriously the only competent worker in the whole building. He dedicated his life to making them money. There is something seriously sinister going on in this company (shocker) please do not work there unless you want to be abused for years for little pay.

My boyfriend recently got fired for driving me to the emergency room (for a severe injury) after being approved to leave work. The manager lied and said it was time fraud and wage theft. This is the 3rd person they have accused of these claims in 2 months. He has been working there for over a decade and is seriously the only competent worker in the whole building. He dedicated his life to making them money. There is something seriously sinister going on in this company (shocker) please do not work there unless you want to be abused for years for little pay.

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