
Best min wage jobs?

I’ve been job hopping like crazy because everywhere I’ve worked for so far sucks and I end being miserable, the only type of job that works for me currently is something minimum wage unfortunately. I’m curious to anyone that’s working for certain companies which one has turned out best for you? I’ve heard good things about overnights at Home Depot. If anyone cares to share some good experiences to help me hopefully find a job that doesn’t make me wanna kms everyday, thank you.

I’ve been job hopping like crazy because everywhere I’ve worked for so far sucks and I end being miserable, the only type of job that works for me currently is something minimum wage unfortunately. I’m curious to anyone that’s working for certain companies which one has turned out best for you? I’ve heard good things about overnights at Home Depot. If anyone cares to share some good experiences to help me hopefully find a job that doesn’t make me wanna kms everyday, thank you.

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