
Best way to repurpose a work computer

Hello friends! Seems like a good place to ask. My work computer stopped working a few weeks ago – the firewall for some reason flagged my computer’s name and put me in quarantine. Every time they took me out it would just put me right back in again. We’re all remote and I live about 1000km from head office, so instead of me bringing it in for service they just sent me a new laptop and asked me to destroy the old one. It’s a perfectly fine laptop, much nicer than my personal one. If I factory reset it instead of destroying it will that get rid of the firewall that’s causing all the trouble? And currently they can see all work computers and monitor them from a distance, will a factory reset break that connection as well? It just seems like such a waste to destroy a less than…

Hello friends! Seems like a good place to ask. My work computer stopped working a few weeks ago – the firewall for some reason flagged my computer’s name and put me in quarantine. Every time they took me out it would just put me right back in again. We’re all remote and I live about 1000km from head office, so instead of me bringing it in for service they just sent me a new laptop and asked me to destroy the old one. It’s a perfectly fine laptop, much nicer than my personal one. If I factory reset it instead of destroying it will that get rid of the firewall that’s causing all the trouble? And currently they can see all work computers and monitor them from a distance, will a factory reset break that connection as well? It just seems like such a waste to destroy a less than 2 year old laptop and then have to go out and buy a new one for my personal use. I also had to do a lot of unpaid overtime last year so I’ll think of this as my compensation.

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