
Big and Last day at work today

To give you context, i work for a, at best, shady company. The interviews and job ads dont show that the job is door-door and the boss rakes in money whether we do or not. He, ofcourse, rakes in more when we get more. The job's been tough lately and no one was making good money. We get paid a base wage that's less than half the minimum wage and then commission. The main company doesnt even hire our boss but incorporates him under a different company and then he hires us as independent contractors so we dont get minimum wage, benefits, sick leave or employment insurance. This is just the tip of the shady iceberg. A few of my coworkers (everyone in the office but 1 person) decided we have had enough of the boss's demeaning attitude and shit pay, in about 4.5 hours we will go to our…

To give you context, i work for a, at best, shady company. The interviews and job ads dont show that the job is door-door and the boss rakes in money whether we do or not. He, ofcourse, rakes in more when we get more. The job's been tough lately and no one was making good money. We get paid a base wage that's less than half the minimum wage and then commission. The main company doesnt even hire our boss but incorporates him under a different company and then he hires us as independent contractors so we dont get minimum wage, benefits, sick leave or employment insurance. This is just the tip of the shady iceberg. A few of my coworkers (everyone in the office but 1 person) decided we have had enough of the boss's demeaning attitude and shit pay, in about 4.5 hours we will go to our regular office and all quite together on the spot, in the petties way we can.
I even worked my butt off to reach a new “promotion” (which doesnt promote me with money but more responsibilities) so when i quit its even a harder sting.
The boss will be left with maybe 2 people working under him and some trainees who will witness most the office quite on day 1. We dont know what's gonna happen yet so I'll update you all if this gains some traction

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