
Big banks and corporations are outsourcing their work to third-world countries and exploit labour rights.

This is one of the unspoken challenges of the outsourcing industry. Big banks and corporations outsource their work to countries like India and they do not value the labour rights. My sister works in a similar firm whose client is one of the big European banks. After working for 3 years and having relevant education. They're providing her $250/month. In which she's supposed to work for 12 hours – 6 days/week. She's don't get any leaves even at regional or national days. Those banks have holidays for Christmas, Easter and everything European but expect people across the world to work without getting leaves, and even access the assigned holidays. She's facing the trauma of not being valued and excessive demands by the banking partners. There's certainly, exploitation by their Indian counterparts but this is completely under the watch of the bank.

This is one of the unspoken challenges of the outsourcing industry. Big banks and corporations outsource their work to countries like India and they do not value the labour rights. My sister works in a similar firm whose client is one of the big European banks.

After working for 3 years and having relevant education. They're providing her $250/month. In which she's supposed to work for 12 hours – 6 days/week. She's don't get any leaves even at regional or national days. Those banks have holidays for Christmas, Easter and everything European but expect people across the world to work without getting leaves, and even access the assigned holidays.

She's facing the trauma of not being valued and excessive demands by the banking partners. There's certainly, exploitation by their Indian counterparts but this is completely under the watch of the bank.

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