
Big sigh

How is this job I started beginning for of may with 7 week long training gonna push my end training date to end of July? Oh also, you can’t miss any time for any reason. I have stomach issues that have flared up and I got a verbal warning for having to miss work 2 days due to illness already. It’s not my problem that no one wants to work here for $15-$16/hr so they don’t show up to training classes? My training did not begin til a week and a half after my start date bc finally they found someone to work here. Then they have the audacity to call me out for being sick despite my doctor notes. It’s utter bullshit.

How is this job I started beginning for of may with 7 week long training gonna push my end training date to end of July? Oh also, you can’t miss any time for any reason. I have stomach issues that have flared up and I got a verbal warning for having to miss work 2 days due to illness already. It’s not my problem that no one wants to work here for $15-$16/hr so they don’t show up to training classes? My training did not begin til a week and a half after my start date bc finally they found someone to work here. Then they have the audacity to call me out for being sick despite my doctor notes. It’s utter bullshit.

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