
Bike Shop

I work at a bike shop because I love biking and mountain biking. However I have working there for some time now and I have quickly realized how snobby and rude our customers can be. Often telling me I know nothing about bikes or asking for a manager. That being said my managers are probably even worse than that. They talk to me like I’m a child despite me being 19. I work probably close to 50 hours a week and have actually been trying pretty hard. However it feels like I never get any recognition other than “Okay now go do this”. My boss the other day told me that he needs me to start taking on more responsibility in the store. But at this point it feels like I just run the entire store myself.

I work at a bike shop because I love biking and mountain biking. However I have working there for some time now and I have quickly realized how snobby and rude our customers can be. Often telling me I know nothing about bikes or asking for a manager. That being said my managers are probably even worse than that. They talk to me like I’m a child despite me being 19. I work probably close to 50 hours a week and have actually been trying pretty hard. However it feels like I never get any recognition other than “Okay now go do this”. My boss the other day told me that he needs me to start taking on more responsibility in the store. But at this point it feels like I just run the entire store myself.

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