
“Billionaire” is an is a bad description

My friend and I were talking about the difference between a millionaire and billionaire recently and the VAST difference of wealth. If you made 1 dollar every second it would take 12 days to become a millionaire and it would take 31 years to become a billionaire. This is such a gap the term for their status should not just change the prefix of “mill” to “bill” it's just to similar. Kinda how the Russian billionaires are called oligarchy I think we should call American billionaires overlords… Hear me out. This term accurately describes the power an influence these people have over our society. They have enough money to buy companies and vertically integrate those companies to own entire supply chains and have enough left over to lobby (buy) political power so they can literally change the rules. They can be the overlords to us plebs without most of us…

My friend and I were talking about the difference between a millionaire and billionaire recently and the VAST difference of wealth.

If you made 1 dollar every second it would take 12 days to become a millionaire and it would take 31 years to become a billionaire.

This is such a gap the term for their status should not just change the prefix of “mill” to “bill” it's just to similar.

Kinda how the Russian billionaires are called oligarchy I think we should call American billionaires overlords… Hear me out.

This term accurately describes the power an influence these people have over our society. They have enough money to buy companies and vertically integrate those companies to own entire supply chains and have enough left over to lobby (buy) political power so they can literally change the rules. They can be the overlords to us plebs without most of us even realizing it.

Time to call them what they are overlords.

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