
Boomer, here. Here’s something which fries my hair, and it has fried me for 50 years.

Everybody's favorite socialist Boomer, here. Our legislators, both Democratic and Republican, have been overspending for years, borrowing money without ceasing to fund all sorts of wars in southeast Asia, Grenada, Panama, Venezuela, Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon Ukraine (and for the record, I *do* support Ukraine) while letting things like single payer health care, comprehensive Medicare, education, manufacturing, etc. slide. The debt has mounted up. Back in 1968, our debt was about 52 billion dollars. Now it's approaching 30 TRILLION dollars. Countries do not recover from 30 trillion dollar debt loads. More and more of our national spending is centered around servicing debt. By the time we reach 2040, most of our spending will be centered around servicing debt. This is completely by intention. The idea is to eliminate the middle and working class, to keep everybody as poor as possible — and we will be limiting the amount of education,…

Everybody's favorite socialist Boomer, here.

Our legislators, both Democratic and Republican, have been overspending for years, borrowing money without ceasing to fund all sorts of wars in southeast Asia, Grenada, Panama, Venezuela, Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon Ukraine (and for the record, I *do* support Ukraine) while letting things like single payer health care, comprehensive Medicare, education, manufacturing, etc. slide. The debt has mounted up. Back in 1968, our debt was about 52 billion dollars. Now it's approaching 30 TRILLION dollars. Countries do not recover from 30 trillion dollar debt loads.

More and more of our national spending is centered around servicing debt. By the time we reach 2040, most of our spending will be centered around servicing debt. This is completely by intention. The idea is to eliminate the middle and working class, to keep everybody as poor as possible — and we will be limiting the amount of education, food aid, and social aid to our population just so we can service our debt. An uneducated society is much more likely to do as it is told to do, without questioning.

We've had Medicare and Social Security, and our legislators from both parties have both taken out IOUs from these funds and never paid those IOUs back — driving Medicare and Social Security closer and closer to insolvency.

Again, this is completely by intention, and both parties have been complicit. We are going to end up with a two-tiered society: a very tiny contingent of “haves” who concentrate power and wealth among themselves; and the 98 percent who are the rest of us who will “enjoy” a subsistence standard of living. Our tax load will go through the roof, just to service debt. By 2040, EVERYBODY will be poor, except for our oligarchical nomenklatura.

And honestly — regardless of which party controls Congress and the Presidency — a neo-fascist Republican Party, or the Reaganite Democratic Party — there is very little we can do at this point to avoid the fate which the Republicans and Democrats have set up for us so that the wealthy and privileged among them prosper at our expense.

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have ever answered so much as a single letter asking why they continued to borrow from Medicare and Social Security without paying that money back. Neither party has ever responded to an inquiry about why we have to be the World's Police Department. Neither party has answered any questions about why they have allowed our manufacturing to go overseas, leaving us with a service economy which provides lower and lower wages. Neither party has ever responded to questions regarding why we have 875 military bases world-wide, but 20 percent of the American population goes to bed hungry every night. We are the only Western country which allows our citizens life-preserving medical care so our citizens can risk of medical bankruptcy.

Do NOT think that either the Republicans or Democrats are our friends. THEY ARE NOT.

Now, a lot of you here are going to blame “Boomers” for this, and some of you Boomers are going to blame “Millennials” and “Gen Z-ers” — and you can engage in that kind of petty, bullshit blaming behavior that if that's what blow your skirt up — but I will assure you this is going to end up being a CLASS struggle of monumental proportions. I will also assure you it's going to the the wealthy, oligarchical nomenklatura who are going to do everything within their power to maintain control of their wealth and power, versus the rest of us; and if the rest of us die off so they can maintain their wealth and power, as far as they're concerned — so be it. Remember: the nomenklatura makes their money, and are getting wealthy through overseas manufacturing via our “free trade deals”.

[Edited to fix a couple of misspellings and to tighten up the grammar.]

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