I work for a Fortune 500 in Georgia, US.
My department is being outsourced and many are losing their jobs (myself included). Some of my employees are applying for other jobs inside the company.
One of these employees is Jim (a ~65 year old former retiree who has returned to the workforce). Jim had been applying to many internal jobs, of which he is qualified but has not received any offers.
Today, during my 1:1 with my boss we were discussing employee morale until the sundown of the department. I brought up Jim and how keeping his spirits up has been a challenge. She advised that he gets looked at differently because of his age. She made no mention of his performance (satisfactory), qualifications, etc. said that he is getting discriminated against because he is an older member of the workforce.
What do I do here? Report this to HR? Alert Jim of this discussion? Shut up and take my severance?