
Boss annoyed I got covid.

I finally got covid, it's awful. I work full time in a daycare and have been busting my ass working 10 hour days since we have been so short staffed. I tested positive yesterday then took another test because my boss said it might be a false positive. Yes I had to have my husband swab my nose twice for me to prove I actually have the virus. I texted her my positive tests and she responded by saying oh boy that isn't good now we are really gonna be short staffed. Thankfully I was smart enough to wear a N95 mask Friday when I started having symptoms and it didn't help i was bouncing around every room in the daycare center. She then texted me saying if I'm boosted I can still come in after 2 days of being off and just wear a mask while I work!! I…

I finally got covid, it's awful. I work full time in a daycare and have been busting my ass working 10 hour days since we have been so short staffed. I tested positive yesterday then took another test because my boss said it might be a false positive. Yes I had to have my husband swab my nose twice for me to prove I actually have the virus. I texted her my positive tests and she responded by saying oh boy that isn't good now we are really gonna be short staffed. Thankfully I was smart enough to wear a N95 mask Friday when I started having symptoms and it didn't help i was bouncing around every room in the daycare center. She then texted me saying if I'm boosted I can still come in after 2 days of being off and just wear a mask while I work!! I have no energy my whole body hurts there is no way I'm going to work with covid because she can't find enough staff to fill the spots when her employees get sick.

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