
Boss bullied me and wondered why I quit the next day.

I started working at the age of 17 in an office. 8 to 5 job. I worked there for 2 years. He scolded me every time for coming even a minute too late or leaving just a minute too early. He threatened to fire me if I would (even tho he couldnt, we have laws and apprentices have a lot of rights) (so I always started and stopped working at exactly 8 and 5) (I still had to work overtime once or twice even tho that was illegal for apprentices) If any visitors were at our office, the women had to serve them coffe. If there were no women, he'd accept a guy serving coffe He stared at my (i was 17) breasts for far too long He pulled my arm so much that it hurt, because I said I couldnt find what he was looking for I had to…

I started working at the age of 17 in an office. 8 to 5 job. I worked there for 2 years.

  • He scolded me every time for coming even a minute too late or leaving just a minute too early. He threatened to fire me if I would (even tho he couldnt, we have laws and apprentices have a lot of rights) (so I always started and stopped working at exactly 8 and 5) (I still had to work overtime once or twice even tho that was illegal for apprentices)

  • If any visitors were at our office, the women had to serve them coffe. If there were no women, he'd accept a guy serving coffe

  • He stared at my (i was 17) breasts for far too long

  • He pulled my arm so much that it hurt, because I said I couldnt find what he was looking for

  • I had to brush his little statues with a TOOTHBRUSH “to learn about corrision” (I worked at an engineering office so kinda has a connection)

  • You had to clock out if you had to take or make a phone call

  • I got depressed and started to take some days off (really rarely) when I just couldnt take it anymore, he would ask me exactly what I had and said that he would only accept sick notes from the doctors with it written that I was bed-bound. Which he obviously cant decide. Sick is sick.

  • Said I could only stay at home when I lost a leg during an accident but even then, actually, I still would need to come in because I dontneed legs to work with a PC

  • One day he scolded me for being sick for 2 days (I always made sure not to be in sick leave more than 2 weeks in a year) in front of my colleagues. Actually, we had a meeting, he told everybody to come sit down together at 10, but the whole meeting was about me being a failure because I was gone for 2 days. Then he ended the meeting.

  • I gave him a document saying I would stop working there the next morning. He was “surprised”. He asked me why and I honestly was speechless. I did a mistake and mentioned that I had to take anti depressants but didnt mention that I had to take them because of him. He asked me to sit down with the colleagues to give them the news. I agreed. HE TOLD THEM THAT I WAS ON ANTI DEPRESSANTS and acted like thats the only reason why I went. He wasnt allowed to share any of that information we talked about in private with anybody but he shamelessly did in front of me.

Well, thats my story. Biggest Asshole Ive ever came across in that industry. Everybody else who worked there, quit shortly after and even before me.

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