
Boss changed job description/duties when they walked in today, didn’t bother to inform me ahead of time. Proceeded to play it off like these have always been my duties from day 1

Obligatory on mobile. I work as a Heavy Duty Cleaner on my college campus, as I graduated in June. I got this job in July, after applying to various other places in my city for 3 months prior with no other job offers (I’ve had interviews leading up to this job, but everywhere else just ghosted me/didn’t get back to me). During this jobs interview, it was established and agreed upon that I would only be in charge of cleaning the residence student commons on weekends for minimum wage ($15.70/hr, to be exact), and that’s what I’ve been doing for the last month and a bit. Fast forward to today, and my boss ends up coming in. As I’m getting my bag packed to head over, they ask me what I’m still doing in the office. I tell them that I was waiting for noon to roll around before I…

Obligatory on mobile.

I work as a Heavy Duty Cleaner on my college campus, as I graduated in June. I got this job in July, after applying to various other places in my city for 3 months prior with no other job offers (I’ve had interviews leading up to this job, but everywhere else just ghosted me/didn’t get back to me).

During this jobs interview, it was established and agreed upon that I would only be in charge of cleaning the residence student commons on weekends for minimum wage ($15.70/hr, to be exact), and that’s what I’ve been doing for the last month and a bit. Fast forward to today, and my boss ends up coming in. As I’m getting my bag packed to head over, they ask me what I’m still doing in the office. I tell them that I was waiting for noon to roll around before I get started, because it doesn’t take me that long to clean the student commons (I’m scheduled to work 8hrs a day, 1030-630 Saturdays and Sundays). They then proceeded to ask me, ‘so you show up for 1030, but start at noon? You have the entire residence block to do’.

I look at them with this confused look, and ask them what do they mean. I tell them that I’ve only been cleaning the student commons this entire time, as it was established and agreed upon during my interview that that was all I would be responsible for. They then looked at me annoyed, then tell me that I have to clean both the commons, and the residence blocks, acting as if these were my duties from day 1.

I then asked them to please send me this new and updated job description to me in writing.

After today or tomorrow, I’ll definitely be submitting my two week notice at the very least.

Ironic thing is, I had an in person training day after my first weekend, cleaning the entire residence block with 1 other person…that took the entire day to do all the residence buildings, not factoring in breaks.

Fuck them.

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