
Boss denied me a 3k raise

I went to ask my boss for an extra 3k raise. That would have covered my extra expenses with inflation, though it was far less than inflation. I went to speak to my boss on Tuesday and brought up the difficulties of affording groceries, gas, and even my electric bill (which is up 42% this year!) He told me to hold on, wait, he'd see what he can do. Being a fan of this sub, I instantly thought “BS, I'm never getting this raise”. Sent out a few resumes, had 2 interviews, things seemed to be going well. Then Thursday my boss calls me on Skype. He couldn't secure me a 3k raise…. He got me a 12k raise! I'm the only person on my team who can do what I do, and he recognized it. Turns out this promotion has been in the works (fuckin HR) for months, but…

I went to ask my boss for an extra 3k raise. That would have covered my extra expenses with inflation, though it was far less than inflation. I went to speak to my boss on Tuesday and brought up the difficulties of affording groceries, gas, and even my electric bill (which is up 42% this year!)

He told me to hold on, wait, he'd see what he can do. Being a fan of this sub, I instantly thought “BS, I'm never getting this raise”. Sent out a few resumes, had 2 interviews, things seemed to be going well.

Then Thursday my boss calls me on Skype. He couldn't secure me a 3k raise…. He got me a 12k raise! I'm the only person on my team who can do what I do, and he recognized it. Turns out this promotion has been in the works (fuckin HR) for months, but he was able to rush it with my emails as proof.

I know we slam companys that suck, but maybe we can approve of the .01% of companies that don't? Some managers do try, even if they're bogged down by paperwork

I'm a software engineer at a larger, sensitive company. I'd like to name and praise, but I think that's frowned upon.

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