
Boss denied vacation day, sounds like a 4 day weekend to me

Asked for Thursday night off, short notice but we're a day ahead, boss said we'll see. Knowing that means get the department ahead, I put in a small amount of effort and get most of Fridays work done, first shift will easily finish the rest today, then start mondays work and they'll finish that on Friday. Now it's close to time to leave and boss comes up and says no. They need me to keep the 3 other people in the area going with work. Not my problem. They've had 3 years to train someone to fill in if I need off. Never even tried. So calling off Thursday night now, still get to use vacation time. Might call off Sunday too because fuck em. I only get $17 an hour, gas stations here start at that, so nothing special here. The job is all kinds of fucked up, but…

Asked for Thursday night off, short notice but we're a day ahead, boss said we'll see. Knowing that means get the department ahead, I put in a small amount of effort and get most of Fridays work done, first shift will easily finish the rest today, then start mondays work and they'll finish that on Friday.

Now it's close to time to leave and boss comes up and says no. They need me to keep the 3 other people in the area going with work. Not my problem. They've had 3 years to train someone to fill in if I need off. Never even tried.

So calling off Thursday night now, still get to use vacation time. Might call off Sunday too because fuck em. I only get $17 an hour, gas stations here start at that, so nothing special here.

The job is all kinds of fucked up, but it's extremely laid back. Can be nights where some of us stand around for 3+ hours talking. Basically only reason I haven't taken an offer for similar pay. Also posted while in the bathroom for my daily 20 min reddit and shit time, on the clock ofcourse.

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