
Boss docked my pay and didn’t have me sign the document?

Hello! First time poster and obligatory on mobile. I’ve been working part-time for a small, family-owned retail company for over nine months. We have about 30-50 stores throughout the Midwest. At the beginning of the summer, an old manager left and screwed us over, so I volunteered to step up from my assistant manager position to senior assistant. This came with a nice pay raise as well, but still not what some companies pay starting (think $10-$15 range). This was with the intention of stepping down in the fall when school starts. A couple weeks ago, I got written up by the area manager for having a drink on the “sales floor,” i.e the back counter behind the register. Normally she wouldn’t issue a write up, however she felt that when she addressed it I gave her “attitude.” By that point in the day, we were closing late as customers…

Hello! First time poster and obligatory on mobile.

I’ve been working part-time for a small, family-owned retail company for over nine months. We have about 30-50 stores throughout the Midwest. At the beginning of the summer, an old manager left and screwed us over, so I volunteered to step up from my assistant manager position to senior assistant. This came with a nice pay raise as well, but still not what some companies pay starting (think $10-$15 range). This was with the intention of stepping down in the fall when school starts.

A couple weeks ago, I got written up by the area manager for having a drink on the “sales floor,” i.e the back counter behind the register. Normally she wouldn’t issue a write up, however she felt that when she addressed it I gave her “attitude.” By that point in the day, we were closing late as customers had been slow leaving the store. Also, I was the only one ringing up customers, closing, etc. because the three other employees were chatting or on their phones. So by the time she pointed it out, I was a bit frustrated with being the only one doing anything. However, I still feel like I didn’t give her any attitude, I just said sorry and that I forgot to move my drink.

My store manager allows us to put our drinks back there, but didn’t tell the area manager, so in summary I got written up, and the store manager didn’t have my back.

I was ready to step down within the next few weeks so I wouldn’t have to have more responsibility during the semester. I was handed a sheet today, filled out by the area manager, stating I was being placed in my original position, but also getting my original pay. Now a week before this I told my store manager I couldn’t go below a certain amount, and this was well below that. So, I told her I would have to think about it before getting the sheet back to her. She said, “Oh don’t worry, you don’t have to give it back. It’s just to let you know your pay rate and the starting date. I really tried.”

Later, I got told by some friends that I should have to sign to have for the pay decrease go into effect. One of them recommended me to this sub. So, what should I do about the situation?

Thank you to anyone who reads/offers advice!

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