
Boss doesn’t pay me for 3 weeks, ignores me quitting

I just started working at a bakery in my new town a couple months ago. It seemed like a good gig. Didn’t pay very well but it was only part time so I was looking for another part time job to help pay the bills. Well my first week working there, I overhear two over the veteran employees talking about how they hadn’t been paid in 3 months. Uh oh. I’m hoping it’s a one time thing because the job market is so slim and it took me a month to find this job. A month in, boss is out sick on paycheck day. No big deal, I figure she’ll give it to me tomorrow. She doesn’t. I figure she’ll just add it to the next paycheck since it’s already late. So the next pay day rolls around and my check is NOT two weeks big. I should have said…

I just started working at a bakery in my new town a couple months ago. It seemed like a good gig. Didn’t pay very well but it was only part time so I was looking for another part time job to help pay the bills. Well my first week working there, I overhear two over the veteran employees talking about how they hadn’t been paid in 3 months. Uh oh. I’m hoping it’s a one time thing because the job market is so slim and it took me a month to find this job.

A month in, boss is out sick on paycheck day. No big deal, I figure she’ll give it to me tomorrow. She doesn’t. I figure she’ll just add it to the next paycheck since it’s already late. So the next pay day rolls around and my check is NOT two weeks big.

I should have said something but boss has a very bad temper. Like, screaming match in front of customers over microwave times, throw food across the restaurant because she can’t find a specific Tupperware.

So a couple weeks go by and we go on vacation. Payday is on Monday so I figured I’d get paid for the week before vacation when we got back. But I didn’t. I mentioned to a coworker that boss was behind on my checks and she said “yeah, I haven’t gotten a check in 3 months.” So I work another week and don’t get paid.

I’ve already found another job. Got the job offer today. It was after the bakery closed and I don’t have boss’s personal phone to call and quit but I am definitely starting my new, better paying job on Monday instead of going back.

So I texted her over our work app. Sent a lengthy, very professional paragraph explaining that I needed to quit and I was sorry about not giving notice and could I pick up my check for the missed weeks on Monday?

She read it 6.5 hours ago. Didn’t respond or take me off the schedule.

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