
Boss expects me to work late and keep my schedule open when my set hours are 9-5

I work for a small business funding company. My job is basically all data entry, and I ALWAYS get all of my work done before I leave. We were rather busy today, and we outsource to India to handle our merchants bank statements that we need to send deals out to lenders. They are EXTREMELY slow, and by 5:00 there were still 18 deals that weren’t ready to be sent out yet. My job is to send them out when they’re ready. Sometimes these can take HOURS and I’m not sacrificing my time sitting at work until 8pm for a job where I make $18/hr, I have other responsibilities. Tonight I had to take care of my dogs while my family was out and I’m also catsitting for a friend of mine. At 5:30, I tell my boss “Hey I have to head home I have my dogs to take…

I work for a small business funding company. My job is basically all data entry, and I ALWAYS get all of my work done before I leave. We were rather busy today, and we outsource to India to handle our merchants bank statements that we need to send deals out to lenders. They are EXTREMELY slow, and by 5:00 there were still 18 deals that weren’t ready to be sent out yet. My job is to send them out when they’re ready. Sometimes these can take HOURS and I’m not sacrificing my time sitting at work until 8pm for a job where I make $18/hr, I have other responsibilities. Tonight I had to take care of my dogs while my family was out and I’m also catsitting for a friend of mine. At 5:30, I tell my boss “Hey I have to head home I have my dogs to take care of and my friends cat that I’m watching for the week. I can come in earlier tomorrow and get some more out, all of the ones in package prep as of now are out” she responds “Ok I mean I did tell you when you took this job there would be some nights where we get very busy or you're gonna have to stay an extra hour and help out it's just the way it goes sometimes we're very busy and sometimes we're not you have to be prepared for that”. (She never told me that, btw) So basically, I’m not allowed to have other commitments and have to keep my schedule open all week. I don’t plan on keeping this job, it makes me fucking miserable. I’m still not set on what I want to do with my life but I have a bachelor’s in business administration and I can be making WAY more elsewhere.

Tldr: My boss told me I can’t make any plans during the week on the off chance I have to work late.

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