
Boss failed at bossing and I quit

2 years ago after the covid pandemic got into full swing I decided I was going to look for a new place to work. Sorry, this will get long. Loved my work as it was my dream position and place to work. My boss on the other hand went out of his way to cover me in allegations and lies. I'm an IT counselor so he does literally not know what I am doing at the customer's office as will become apparent quickly. My boss sent me to a (at first) voluntary training. That was the beginning of the down fall. The colleagues who did the training had never been educated on how to do trainings before, blamed us for pointing out flaws Our different skill levels were not properly evaluated/disregarded The training was completely irrelevant for my job, boss cussed me out saying it was basic knowledge (it wasn't)…

2 years ago after the covid pandemic got into full swing I decided I was going to look for a new place to work. Sorry, this will get long.

Loved my work as it was my dream position and place to work. My boss on the other hand went out of his way to cover me in allegations and lies. I'm an IT counselor so he does literally not know what I am doing at the customer's office as will become apparent quickly.

My boss sent me to a (at first) voluntary training. That was the beginning of the down fall.

  • The colleagues who did the training had never been educated on how to do trainings before, blamed us for pointing out flaws
  • Our different skill levels were not properly evaluated/disregarded
  • The training was completely irrelevant for my job, boss cussed me out saying it was basic knowledge (it wasn't) and I wasn't appreciative of the Seniors' time investment
  • Seniors doing the training were extremely disrespectful towards us, so when people started not showing up for the training it become mandatory and they did tests at the start of the day

The end was that I called my boss again, expressing my wish to quit. He caught up with me before lunch, told me I was too slow for the training and very disrespectful towards the Senior colleagues and that I was getting expelled from the training.

Anyways, second pillar was the lies. My boss told me that the customer was extremely dissatisfied with my work. I was irresponsible and giving off the impression that I didn't think my tasks were mine to do. Hence I got no significant wage rise.

I went on to ask my team leader about this, since those were serious allegations. In the past he always came forward if he noticed critical mistakes you'd repeat, or disruptions in the work flow affecting the whole team. He told me he knew of none of this.

Was extremely disappointed, tired and angry. Ready to discard this dream customer because I developed a deep mistrust and hatred for my boss, who was apparently collecting random opinions from coworkers unqualified to judge my work.

Few months forward, I easily found a new employer who would even send me to the same customer – stupid luck on my end. Massive pay increase, all the benefits I wanted and no questions asked.

Now because I was offered to the same customer twice top management learned that I was intending to quit and immediately approached me, making it clear that they knew. Suddenly, the tone changed entirely. I was crucial to the customer's project, difficult to replace, they needed “more people like me”. They offered me the same wage increase immediately as my new employer would.

I refused, because the trust I once had was lost after I was punished for not accepting irreverent behavior towards me and my boss blatantly lying to me to make me feel replaceable and useless.

Never spoke eye to eye with my new boss. I poke him and he accepts my requests for time off. Life is better, now. I am (still) lazy, but I am good at what I do. Don't need to be a mule like my elder coworkers for the same benefits and they were, apparently, mad about that. That's my own allegation that makes me a bit happier.

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