
Boss giving me both sides of the guilt trip today.

I work as a box packer at a small company. It’s fine, I get to listen to podcasts while I work all day, but the training was shit and every time the manager tries to micro-manage me, he just ends up confusing me. A few weeks ago I had a car accident, and it left my car unable to be driven safely. I got that handled, and went in after the weekend. Last week I caught the flu. Due to Covid concerns, obviously I didn’t go into work. After two days and two at-home tests, I went back in. Last night was really long, for reasons I don’t want to get into. For my mental health, and so I didn’t fall asleep at the wheel, I decided to call off. It’s our busiest day, and I understand this. It means my coworker would have to cover for me, which I…

I work as a box packer at a small company. It’s fine, I get to listen to podcasts while I work all day, but the training was shit and every time the manager tries to micro-manage me, he just ends up confusing me.

A few weeks ago I had a car accident, and it left my car unable to be driven safely. I got that handled, and went in after the weekend.

Last week I caught the flu. Due to Covid concerns, obviously I didn’t go into work. After two days and two at-home tests, I went back in.

Last night was really long, for reasons I don’t want to get into. For my mental health, and so I didn’t fall asleep at the wheel, I decided to call off. It’s our busiest day, and I understand this. It means my coworker would have to cover for me, which I also understand. I didn’t do it for fun, after all.

My boss is beside himself guilt tripping me with how hard it’ll be for my coworkers, and telling me the unscheduled absences are “piling up”. Despite the last time I was sick being a full two months ago. Asking me to take a nap, and then try to come in. All that.

My job makes me feel anxious all the time, I’m tired of working physical labor. I’m tired of being unappreciated, I’m tired of not getting enough PTO. I’m just fucking tired.

And my manager isn’t making it any better.

I’ll be spending today cleaning up around my house and attempting to find a new job. Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll be out by May.

Stay strong folks. Fuck capitalism, go home.

EDIT: My partner, who is being amazing and supportive is texting back and forth to me. Her texts are making a spike of anxiety shoot through my heart, because I keep thinking they’re my manager. How swell.

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