
boss is being an asshole because im on sick leave

So first of all, I live in Europe/Austria. Atm with the covid situation, if you are positive, you need to stay 5 days at home. At the 6th day, you can test yourself again and if negative you can go back to work IF you are Symptom free. If not you need to stay at home a minimum of 10 days.(paid) Today Monday would be the day I should be able to go and test myself after the 5 days quarantine. But I was still feeling bad so I didn't go and I knew I was still sick. (Officially, if still sick , can stay at home for 10 days) So I called my boss and told him I'm not comming to work because I still have covid symptoms and I will prolly be taking the whole 10 days off (from the government said days I can take Officially) (that…

So first of all, I live in Europe/Austria.
Atm with the covid situation, if you are positive, you need to stay 5 days at home. At the 6th day, you can test yourself again and if negative you can go back to work IF you are Symptom free. If not you need to stay at home a minimum of 10 days.(paid)

Today Monday would be the day I should be able to go and test myself after the 5 days quarantine. But I was still feeling bad so I didn't go and I knew I was still sick. (Officially, if still sick , can stay at home for 10 days)

So I called my boss and told him I'm not comming to work because I still have covid symptoms and I will prolly be taking the whole 10 days off (from the government said days I can take Officially) (that would be till this comming saturday)

He said: so you didn't test yourself
Me : no because I am still sick so why should I go outside.
And I can still stay at home till Saturday. (Today is monday)
He : and? So what.
Me : why should I go to work when I'm not healthy?
He : ok .
Me : ok. See you.

I dunno. I felt bad afterwards but I knew I was in the right.
So I messaged him afterwards that I will go test myself at Tuesday and then come work at Wednesday instead of next week Monday.

The government pays the company anyway if people are on sick leave because of covid. I don't understand why he is being such a douche about it.

What to do?

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