
Boss is condescending

Started the job six months ago. Granted I am still learning about the job, yet criticism is rampant throughout. I’m in sales, verbiage and choice words is crucial when it comes to closing a sale. Every time I don’t sell something. She say’s “that’s your paycheck walking out the door” it’s bringing my anxiety through the roof. What do I do? Berates me constantly and lowers my self esteem.

Started the job six months ago. Granted I am still learning about the job, yet criticism is rampant throughout. I’m in sales, verbiage and choice words is crucial when it comes to closing a sale. Every time I don’t sell something. She say’s “that’s your paycheck walking out the door” it’s bringing my anxiety through the roof. What do I do? Berates me constantly and lowers my self esteem.

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