
Boss is either using me or preparing a transition

My boss (department head) is nearly at retirement age (and she’s wealthy enough to retire whenever she would want to..) I keep noticing she is pushing more of her responsibilities onto my plate. This has slowly happened over the past year with minor (but insignificant) pushback on my end. I am worried she is loading all of the work to me (already working 40+ doing my regular duties) and making her last year(s) easy. In a 1:1 meeting today, she described her quarterly project as “our[‘s]” and “we” are working on the project. It is possible that she is preparing me for the big job, but I feel like it is becoming bigger projects that should be her responsibility. She gets paid significantly more and this next one is a major company-wide decision. On multiple occasions, I have asked for an idea of where I am going. She would not…

My boss (department head) is nearly at retirement age (and she’s wealthy enough to retire whenever she would want to..) I keep noticing she is pushing more of her responsibilities onto my plate. This has slowly happened over the past year with minor (but insignificant) pushback on my end. I am worried she is loading all of the work to me (already working 40+ doing my regular duties) and making her last year(s) easy.

In a 1:1 meeting today, she described her quarterly project as “our[‘s]” and “we” are working on the project. It is possible that she is preparing me for the big job, but I feel like it is becoming bigger projects that should be her responsibility. She gets paid significantly more and this next one is a major company-wide decision.

On multiple occasions, I have asked for an idea of where I am going. She would not (and likely can not) commit to any indication I would take her role.

How in the world can I tell if the tasks are in good faith? I feel like they are not and HR will be of no help (the two ate buddies)

I’m not salaried, so hours are helpful but jfc it’s a lot of hours coming down the pipeline and I am more than my work.

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