
Boss is making me take on tasks I’m not comfortable with

I was hired for a creative/sales role with a small beauty company about 6 months ago. This was my first full-time job related to my field. Previously I had worked minimum wage retail and assistant/unpaid intern positions related to my degree. From the beginning my boss tacked on little tasks here and there that I wasn’t comfortable with, such as selling his old studio equipment or having a new super complicated filming set up installed that no one knew how to use and telling me to “just figure it out” with no training. In the end, I just did it because I was new and saw how he responded to people who didn’t do as told. Hint: they disappeared… quickly. But now it’s getting out of hand. All of a sudden he fires an employee that has worked for him the longest for suspicion of “stealing from payroll.” Here’s the…

I was hired for a creative/sales role with a small beauty company about 6 months ago. This was my first full-time job related to my field. Previously I had worked minimum wage retail and assistant/unpaid intern positions related to my degree.

From the beginning my boss tacked on little tasks here and there that I wasn’t comfortable with, such as selling his old studio equipment or having a new super complicated filming set up installed that no one knew how to use and telling me to “just figure it out” with no training. In the end, I just did it because I was new and saw how he responded to people who didn’t do as told. Hint: they disappeared… quickly. But now it’s getting out of hand.

All of a sudden he fires an employee that has worked for him the longest for suspicion of “stealing from payroll.” Here’s the kicker: he comes up to me and tells me I will be doing payroll now. I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE WITH THIS. Still, I’m just like it’s just one extra task so I say sure as long as someone can train me to do it. He responds “Just YouTube it.”

Now my gut feeling tells me the last guy wasn’t stealing… he was just also told to “YouTube it” and therefore did a shit job because he wasn’t trained properly. Then the owner has the nerve to tell me it’s “easy.” If it’s so easy then you do it, or at least teach me? He does nothing! He’s never even in the office. Yet has the nerve to backlog himself as working a full 40 hours a week PLUS take home the profits?

Within 24hrs of telling me I’m now in charge of payroll he also asked me to figure out how to SHIFT everyone in the company’s payroll weeks and turn it in by EOD today. In addition, he now wants me to do a bunch of other tasks that the old guy did that have nothing to do with my job title. Sales are down right now and I should be focusing on this. There’s also already another manager who coworkers have told me is always slacking off. That manager literally TOLD ME she was more fit for these tasks but when I brought that up to my boss he told me she’s “too busy.” He’s also cutting everyone else’s hours and seems to have no plans of replacing the old supervisor who ran payroll, so these new tasks seem permanent and I just don’t have the time for them but when I suggest that he insists I can do it and I’m the most equipped.

I’ve been slowly looking for new jobs this past week before even any of this happened and have not had any prospects yet, but him dumping this all on me in one day made me want to quit and just put in my two weeks anyway. No amount of money makes me want to deal with this shit.

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