
Boss is not willing to work with me on my availability

So, for background, I work in retail (bowling alley), make $12 an hour (which is barely above minimum wage where I live), and I'm available Fri-Wed… or I'm supposed to be. As of the past three weeks, I've been struggling with my bosses to get my availability approved as I had written on my application that I was available on Fri-Wed (explicitly no Thursday), and they have not done that. The first week, my GM told me to update it on our scheduling app, which I did on June 3rd (still has not been approved) The second week was my actual boss asking me to come in, but I was like “Hell no I can't, it was outside of my availability.” Now, the third week was the worst as my boss pulled me aside with another manager and basically told me “We don't care about your availability, you signed up…

So, for background, I work in retail (bowling alley), make $12 an hour (which is barely above minimum wage where I live), and I'm available Fri-Wed… or I'm supposed to be.

As of the past three weeks, I've been struggling with my bosses to get my availability approved as I had written on my application that I was available on Fri-Wed (explicitly no Thursday), and they have not done that.

The first week, my GM told me to update it on our scheduling app, which I did on June 3rd (still has not been approved)

The second week was my actual boss asking me to come in, but I was like “Hell no I can't, it was outside of my availability.”

Now, the third week was the worst as my boss pulled me aside with another manager and basically told me “We don't care about your availability, you signed up for full availability (no I fucking didn't), and we're concerned about your health (no you're not). We may need to let you go (you already threatened my employment on my first week because I asked about the end of the shift, which is never provided), but we can see about cutting your hours down.”

I know this is a bad time to ask for any advice, but I'm on the end of my wits here. I'm 20 years old, and I'm trying to keep a stable job to pay bills (yes, I still live with my mother, but I do pay rent, phone bill, and car insurance), but out of every 50-60 applications, I only ever get an interview or even a call back from 4-5 people, and I've only ever been offered a job twice, one I had to turn down due to distance, the other is this current job.

Reddit, how can I stand my ground and attempt to reason with my boss that I know he's lying and that I know I didn't sign up for full availability? I'm really not trying to quit this job, but I'm starting to feel that I'm being given no other choice, when even my coworkers have told me that I should quit this job.

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