
Boss is Texting saying I am disrespectful

My Manager called a meeting after our shift was over while we were NOT on the clock. I waited patiently in the office for him to start his meeting but after 5 minutes of him staring at his computer and not talking I walked out and left. He texted me saying I was disrespectful. I told him I feel like it is not cool to call a meeting while everyone should be on their way home and while we were NOT being paid.

My Manager called a meeting after our shift was over while we were NOT on the clock. I waited patiently in the office for him to start his meeting but after 5 minutes of him staring at his computer and not talking I walked out and left. He texted me saying I was disrespectful. I told him I feel like it is not cool to call a meeting while everyone should be on their way home and while we were NOT being paid.

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