
Boss is trying to screw me out of pay

I work manufacturing. Every shift is supposed to have a supervisor and a sub-supervisor. The sub-supervisor takes over when the supervisor is out. For our shift, that has been once to twice a week, and 2-4hrs per shift they are scheduled. Also, when he goes on vacation, the sub-supervisor takes over. Here's the thing: my plant wants the sub-supervisor to hold the title, but will only pay the difference ($1/hr) when they are actually taking over for the supervisor. Nobody on our shift wanted the position, but the supervisor had vacation he needed to use in December last year, so I told him I would cover until he found someone. It is August and I have been covering since December. I happened to look on my check last week (I don't look at my checks ever) and noticed the difference wasn't on there for the time covered. I looked back…

I work manufacturing. Every shift is supposed to have a supervisor and a sub-supervisor. The sub-supervisor takes over when the supervisor is out. For our shift, that has been once to twice a week, and 2-4hrs per shift they are scheduled. Also, when he goes on vacation, the sub-supervisor takes over.

Here's the thing: my plant wants the sub-supervisor to hold the title, but will only pay the difference ($1/hr) when they are actually taking over for the supervisor.

Nobody on our shift wanted the position, but the supervisor had vacation he needed to use in December last year, so I told him I would cover until he found someone. It is August and I have been covering since December. I happened to look on my check last week (I don't look at my checks ever) and noticed the difference wasn't on there for the time covered. I looked back and it's never been added.

I asked the supervisor about this and he asked me responded: “you're not sub-supervisor.” I said “no, but I've been doing it.” He says “I thought you didn't want the position.” I said “I don't.” He comes back with “So you don't want the position, but you want the pay?”.

This infuriated me. I've been acting sub-supervisor for 9 months and he never put in my pay for it. He said he can see about having some partial compensation put in because I'm not the sub-supervisor, just standing in until he finds someone.

I want to demand the full pay, backpay. Should I go to HR in the morning and explain it all to them or give him a chance to pay me in full first? I was not happy with his response.

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