
Boss is writing me up for “time stealing”

My boss after avoiding me all day came into my office to tell me I’m being written up for “time stealing” and I kid you not because of socializing with my coworkers on company time. I have no words and this is not sitting well with me. I have been with my shit show company for a year now and have seen two massive employee walkouts. I have had 2 general managers and a span of 4 months with no general manager. Of the 20 employees in the office, 3 (including me) Are the only originals left. Once the new GM started I really liked him and believed he could turn the place around. I’ve been crushing my goals and excelling above all the regional stores. Been working my butt off and have been pretty proud of myself. About 4 months ago a new woman started and has been nothing…

My boss after avoiding me all day came into my office to tell me I’m being written up for “time stealing” and I kid you not because of socializing with my coworkers on company time.

I have no words and this is not sitting well with me. I have been with my shit show company for a year now and have seen two massive employee walkouts. I have had 2 general managers and a span of 4 months with no general manager. Of the 20 employees in the office, 3 (including me) Are the only originals left.

Once the new GM started I really liked him and believed he could turn the place around. I’ve been crushing my goals and excelling above all the regional stores. Been working my butt off and have been pretty proud of myself. About 4 months ago a new woman started and has been nothing but trouble since. She is constantly gossiping, name calling, and manipulative towards us.

Apparently miss bossy bee has been in my managers ear and telling him I am claiming hours I did not work and socializing with my coworkers on the clock

I am fuming and honestly devastated that she has convinced him I am guilty of this. He is giving a formal write up tomorrow and I need advice to fight this. It is completely untrue and malicious. I asked him point blank “ what am I not doing in my job” and he says word for word- you are a rockstar at your job, you just need to stop talking to xyz(coworker). Says I’m such a valuable member of team and he hopes I stick around.

This is the most ridiculous situation I’ve ever been in and any advice is appreciated!

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