
Boss just told me my annual raise… it felt like a bad joke

Boss and I had our review meeting today to discuss my yearly merit increase. He starts me off by trying to butter me up, telling me what a great job I've been doing this year, ect ect. I know I've been going a great job, they've been giving me projects to work on way out of my job description. On top of that, I've gotten multiple certifications in my field and had a great performance review. He then tells me that my raise PERCENTAGE was higher than anyone else's on my team, and I'd be getting a 3k raise annually. This felt like a complete slap in the face, especially knowing I accepted the job knowing it was lower than what I wanted to start at. I'm just at a loss for what to do. I feel like part of me wants to just leave because I'm so insulted by…

Boss and I had our review meeting today to discuss my yearly merit increase. He starts me off by trying to butter me up, telling me what a great job I've been doing this year, ect ect. I know I've been going a great job, they've been giving me projects to work on way out of my job description. On top of that, I've gotten multiple certifications in my field and had a great performance review. He then tells me that my raise PERCENTAGE was higher than anyone else's on my team, and I'd be getting a 3k raise annually. This felt like a complete slap in the face, especially knowing I accepted the job knowing it was lower than what I wanted to start at. I'm just at a loss for what to do. I feel like part of me wants to just leave because I'm so insulted by it, but another part of me wants to demand what I'm worth (despite being scared shitless to lose my job as I'm in a right to work state). I hate confrontation, but I'm also just so angry. Curious to know what you would do in my position.

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