
Boss keeps annoying me with his comments. How to go about this?

It started last week on Thursday. My boss asked me randomly if I was okay, and I said yes and assured him I was okay. He then comes back literally 5 minutes later and says I look stressed, and to stop stressing (I wasn't). Again, I told him I was fine and annoyingly told him to never tell a woman she looks stressed. He then said he considered me a child and not a woman (I'm 21). Then, he comes back a third time and says he needs me to start smiling and “make it seem like I'm not working”. This comment pissed me off because 1. I AM working. Im not going to pretend to be spending my free time here. I'm not going to act like it. I'm stuck here on a beautiful sunny day. And 2. He wouldn't stop bugging me about it. I thought maybe it…

It started last week on Thursday. My boss asked me randomly if I was okay, and I said yes and assured him I was okay. He then comes back literally 5 minutes later and says I look stressed, and to stop stressing (I wasn't). Again, I told him I was fine and annoyingly told him to never tell a woman she looks stressed. He then said he considered me a child and not a woman (I'm 21). Then, he comes back a third time and says he needs me to start smiling and “make it seem like I'm not working”.

This comment pissed me off because 1. I AM working. Im not going to pretend to be spending my free time here. I'm not going to act like it. I'm stuck here on a beautiful sunny day. And 2. He wouldn't stop bugging me about it.

I thought maybe it was over but it happened again yesterday. He told me I looked angry and asked me what the problem was. Again, I told him everything was okay.

I feel like he is harassing me. Nobody else of my colleagues have commented that I look angry or stressed. I told them I probably have a resting bitch face but as a bartender who has no direct contact with the customers whatsoever, I feel like it shouldn't matter. No customer has come out and said they don't like how I look angry. I seriously doubt they're even looking at me.

He will also come with random annoying comments, for example my coworker asked me if I wanted a break. I was busy and told her to ask the boss if the other person on break was finished so that I could have my break then. She went and asked him, and the boss came out asking me “do you need a lawyer? Why can't you ask me yourself?”

I don't know what to do. I'm seriously tired of his attitude and I've only worked here for 3 weeks. He isn't even a real boss, he is just put on our shifts as a “shift leader”.

Im a nice person but now I come to work and I just feel grumpy. If he keeps asking me if Iook angry I WILL be angry. I wished he could compliment my work or tell me I'm doing great. That would have the opposite effect.

Also, he said on a meeting we had after work one time that we had to put our all into the job and he literally said “you're not here to get paid, you're here because you want to give the best possible customer service. You WILL put effort into your job or someone else will get your shifts”.

Biggest fucking eye roll ever.

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