
Boss said as a mass employer they can restrict my ability to mention wages.

I’ve been working at my cleaning job for about three months. Around two months in my manager mentioned we would be terminated for discussing our pay to one another. From what I learned on here that’s illegal. Just last week I mentioned this in a meeting to the upper management and they told me that they can restrict us from discussing pay because they’re a, “Mass Employer”, which lets them not have to follow that law. Did I miss something in the law? I recorded the conversation just in case. (Sorry if I didn’t do this right I don’t typically post on here.)

I’ve been working at my cleaning job for about three months. Around two months in my manager mentioned we would be terminated for discussing our pay to one another. From what I learned on here that’s illegal. Just last week I mentioned this in a meeting to the upper management and they told me that they can restrict us from discussing pay because they’re a, “Mass Employer”, which lets them not have to follow that law. Did I miss something in the law? I recorded the conversation just in case. (Sorry if I didn’t do this right I don’t typically post on here.)

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